A Daily Time Saver: The Wardrobe Space

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How much time do you spend getting ready for work in the morning? If you are anything like most city dwellers, your morning routine involves rummaging through your clothing items looking for the best option. Some days you give up; you find whatever is available, grab a granola bar, and head out for your commute to work. You are not satisfied with your morning routine and wish you could find a way to save precious time, but you are not sure how this could be possible. Continue reading A Daily Time Saver: The Wardrobe Space

A Refreshing Design Approach

According to Boris Pasternak, the famous Russian poet and novelist,

Art always serves beauty, and beauty is delight in form.

This quote is epitomized in the products of Italian furniture maker, Cortezari. With the large amount of cookie cutter furniture designs in the market today, many home owners and interior designers are looking for fresh ways to decorate their spaces. Continue reading A Refreshing Design Approach