Metal frame transformable table, gas adjustable height from cm. 23 to cm. 76 melamine doubling top. More than a simple trasformable tableMini is the real philosophy of a simple-chic life style. In very few squared centrimeters all the essential functions of contemporary living are gathered, in accordance with an idea of pratical functionality.

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Ozzio Metals

  • MT93 (FES) - METALLO Verniciato satinato-steel alike coating
  • MT98 - METALLO Verniciato grafite opaco-matt graphite coating
  • MT00 - FERRO Grezzo-raw brut
  • MT61 - METALLO Verniciato Bianco Lucido-high gloss white coating
  • MT63 - METALLO Verniciato Moro Opaco-matt moro coating
  • MT68 (FES) - METALLO Verniciato Nero Lucido-high gloss black coating
  • MT65 - METALLO Verniciato Mastice Lucido-high gloss mastice coating
  • MT71 - ALLUMINIO Anodizzato-anodised aluminium
  • MT90 - METALLO Verniciato Tortora Opaco-matt tortora coating

Ozzio Eco Wood

  • ML91 - ECO LEGNO Vecchio Naturale-natural ancient eco wood
  • ML98 - ECO LEGNO Termotrattato-heat treated eco wood
  • ML30 - ECO LEGNO Vintage-vintage eco wood
  • ML35 - ECO LEGNO Bianco Poro Aperto-oak white open pore melamine
  • ML36 (FES) - ECO LEGNO Rovere Light-oak light melamine
  • ML38 (FES) - ECO LEGNO Rovere Grey-oak grey melamine
  • ML37 (FES) - ECO LEGNO Rovere Tabacco-oak tobacco melamine
  • ML40 - ECO LEGNO Tortora Poro Aperto-tortora open pore eco wood
  • ML39 - ECO LEGNO Beton-beton eco wood
  • ML41 - ECO LEGNO Noce-walnut eco wood
  • ML90 - ECO LEGNO Vecchio Cenere-ash grey ancient eco wood

Ozzio Laminates

  • LA90 - LAMINATO Tortora-tortora laminate
  • LA61 - LAMINATO Bianco-white laminate
  • LA01 (FES) - LAMINATO Grigio Pietra-grey stone laminate
  • LA02 (FES) - LAMINATO Bianco Pietra-white stone laminate
  • LA03 (FES)  - LAMINATO Bianco Climb-white climb laminate

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